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Minggu, 23 Maret 2014

Speed Up Internet, Speed Up Utorrent TCP Optimizer

At first your speed depends on your Internet plan.
The more you pay the more you get.

1. Open 'run' and type 'gpedit.msc' and run it.
2. Go to 'Administrative Templates' under 'Computer Configuration'.
3. Then go to 'Network'.
4. Then go to 'QoS Packet Scheduler' and then to 'Limit Reservable Bandwith'.
5. Change the 'Bandwith Limit' % to '0'.
6. Run 'TCP Optimizer' as administrator and in the bottom set it to 'Optimal'.
7. Save it and Restart.

1. Open uTorrent.
2. Go to prefrences and then to connections.
3. Port used for connections --- random.
4. Go to bandwith and then Global Maximum number of connections ---- 200
5. Maximum number of connected peers per torrent--- 50
6. Go to BitTorrent and then Outgoing --- Enabled
7. Then in queuing minimum ratio % --- 0
8. Then advanced and bt.allow_same_ip ---- true
9. Then offers.left_rail_offer_enabled --- false
10. offers.sponsored_torrent_offer_enabled --- false
11. Else everything should be normal.
12. Download torrents with more seeds.
13. USe latest version only.


anda dapat mengunduh Software Full ini di 

Download Speed Up Internet, Speed Up Utorrent (239kb)

Selamat Bermanfaat

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