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Selasa, 22 April 2014

Avanquest Photo Explosion Deluxe 5.01.26070 Bilingual

Avanquest Photo Explosion Deluxe 5

Photo Explosion® Deluxe 5.01 delivers professional photo editing & photo organising features, spectacular special effects and professional-quality photo projects – all together in one powerful suite. Now Photo Explosion makes it easier than ever to unlock the power of your digital camera.

The Complete Digital Photo Studio™
- Repair, Edit and Enhance Photos
- Organise Photos in Albums for Fast Searching
- 10,000+ Photo Projects & Graphics
- Hundreds of Special Effects Options
- Share on Mobile Phones, Facebook, Flickr and More
- Burn CD Slide Shows, Morph Photos & Make Montages

Perfect For:
- Professional photo editing
- Editing RAW image files from popular cameras
- Removing unwanted objects & backgrounds
- Enhancing & restoring old pictures
- Repairing photos
- Fixing camera exposure & adjusting lighting
- Removing red eye and blemishes
- Rotating, cropping or resizing images
- Creating stunning Panorama images
- Creating unique photo cards & personalised gifts
- Printing photos
- Video editing
- Sharing photos on popular social media/photo sharing websites
- Perfect for photography enthusiasts and beginners alike

What's New in Version 5?
- NEW! 3,000 + Photo Projects templates - Create photo cards, calendars, posters and more...
- NEW! Intuitive user interface - with enhanced workflow for browsing , editing and organising your photos.
- NEW! Organise your photos - create on-screen albums using Photo Explosionâ?™s easy-to-use tools. Add keywords, tags and ratings to help search for photos fast - you can even browse by source and date taken.
- NEW! Photo Sharing & Social Media - Instantly share your photos and videos on YouTube, Facebook, Flikr and more...
- NEW! Video Editing - Create movies & slideshows with simple but powerful editing tools. Easily import video from mobile phones, digital cameras and camcorders.


Extra Information:
Program in default comes in Deutsch, if you want to switch to English:

- After you installed and activated. Just in:

- C:\Program Files\Photo Explosion

- Change folder "ENG" to "DE"

One last thing you can internally update the database of the program, reg will be kept, don't worry.

However, "de" folder will come back after updating it. (Personally I do not recommend updating it since it's not a major db update.) But, if you already allowed the internal database update, the program will switch back to german. To change it:

Go to this folder: :\Program Files\Photo Explosion

And delete "de" folder. It will automatically switch back to English.


Avanquest Photo Explosion Deluxe 5.01.26070 Bilingual
Languages: English, Deutsch


Link Download

Mediafire Avanquest Photo Explosion Deluxe 5.01.26070 Bilingual



Semoga Bermanfaat…!!! AndiCang

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