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Minggu, 27 April 2014

Graphics Converter PRO 2011 for Vector 2.63 Build 120605 + Crack


icon Cool graphic converter

  • 500 Formats:

    IconCool Free Graphics Converter supports more than 500 image formats import and 6 formats export, including BMP, GIF, PDF, JPG, PNG ,WBMP, EMF, TGA, TIF, WMF, ICO... Please visit List of 500 Supported Formats.

  • 50 Filters & Effects:

    IconCool Free Graphics Converter supports 40 image filters and 12 image effects including Color Balance, Flip, Rotation, Reflect, and more.

  • Alpha Channel Support:

    IconCool Free Graphics Converter fully supports Alpha channel in 32-bit PNG or ICO formats and fully supports transparence layer in GIF, PNG or ICO formats.

  • Multi-Page Format Support:

    IconCool Free Graphics Converter fully supports Multi-Page formats. You can convert, create or preview Multi-Page images, including TIF, GIF, PCX, AWD, WFX, FLI and FLC.

  • Powerful Resizing Functions:

    Supports three resizing modes, including "Standard Size", "Custom Size" and "Proportion Size". There are 50 standard sizes in the "Standard Size" mode.

  • Large Image Support:

    If the image is too large to completely load into memory, ImageCool Converter will resize the file as it loads.

  • Preview Modes:

    IconCool Free Graphics Converter has 4 preview modes, including Details, Preview, Thumbnails and Custom. You can easily switch the modes by clicking on the buttons in the upper right corner. ImageCool Converter can create more than 512x512 pixels icons from any other supported formats.

  • Slideshow Builder:

    Supports quickly converting a group of pictures or PDF files to a stand-alone EXE file, so let you easily create self-running slide show package, and make PDF readable on any computer without Adobe PDF software installed.

  • Preview Modes:

    IconCool Free Graphics Converter has 4 preview modes, including Details, Preview, Thumbnails and Custom. You can easily switch the modes by clicking on the buttons in the upper right corner.

Homepage http://www.graphics-converter-pro.com/

Link Download
Mediafire Graphics Converter PRO 2011 for Vector 2.63 Build 120605 + Crack
4Sahred Graphics Converter PRO 2011 for Vector 2.63 Build 120605 + Crack


Semoga bermanfaat…!!! AndiCang

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