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Minggu, 27 April 2014

IcoFX 2.6 Portable

IcoFX 2.6 Portable

IcoFX's Review

IcoFX is the ideal all in one tool to make, edit and export professional looking icons and cursors on your Windows and Mac.

Whether you want to make a cursor or an icon, for Windows or for Mac, the IcoFX allows you to make a professional looking image quick. The IcoFX software comes packed with a wealth of tools to turn any idea into a cursor or an icon quick.
If you're a beginner, the programme allows you to produce an icon or cursor with basic editing skills. The IcoFX allows you to convert any image into an icon or cursor, or edit previously made products to suit your design.
If you're an experience designer, the IcoFX has a full assortment of tools to unleash your creativity. The product allows you to produce animated as well as static cursors, transparent icons and more complex ones, easily with its layers and soft selection features.
When you're done creating your design, the IcoFX exports the icon or cursor as a high quality, ready to use file. Installing your cursor or icon couldn't be simpler.
Pro's: Over 40 simple to use effects makes your icons and cursors look professional quickly.
Con's: Can be expensive to unlock the full potential of this software.
Conclusion: The IcoFX is easy to use but still has a wealth of features to allow you to make technically complicated icons and cursors. When you install this software, there is very little you won't be able to do.

Link Download
Mediafire Portable (Size: 26.31 MB)


Semoga Bermanfaat…!!! AndiCang

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