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Jumat, 06 Juni 2014

PhotoStitcher 1.6 {MAC}

PhotoStitcher 1.6 {MAC}

PhotoStitcher creates perfect panoramic photographs without the frustration of manual image alignment and adjustment. Simply snap a series of overlapping images and click the 'Stitch' button to create dazzlingly expansive, large-scale scenes.

How it works:

PhotoStitcher photo stitcher software There's no need to manually go through messing around moving and aligning images! Now you can use PhotoStitcher to easily stitch images and get perfect panoramic photograph. You just snap some overlapping images and click Stitch button. PhotoStitcher is a fully automatic image stitcher. Capable of stitching full view panoramas without any user input. This is a solution to stitch any panorama completely automatically, whether 1D (horizontal OR vertical) or 2D (horizontal AND vertical).

Whats new:

•Added HiDPI and Retina display support.
•Minor interface changes.
•Bugs fixing.

Official Site: http://www.photostitcher.com

PhotoStitcher 1.6 {MAC}2

Link Download
Mediafire: PhotoStitcher 1.6 {MAC} | 12 MB Download


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